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If you like to read...

What does your book genre say about you?

Bestsellers- You are up on the trends and in the know! The PERFECT party conversationalist, as you are never short of interesting tidbits!


Biographies/memoirs- You are very knowledgeable, and are secretly waiting for the opportunity to play trivial pursuit, so you can anialate all your friends with your collected knowledge.


Business/Finance- You are practical and foward thinking and you always want to be ahead of the curve. You are a determined individual with your eyes on success.


Classics - Your a bit on the serious side... and are either 1. Not actually a big reader as you have no new books, as these are all of the books they made you read in school, or 2. you just love the classic prose and simpler life.


Cook Books - A foodie!! I definitely want to buddy up to you so I can get invited to your dinner parties. Yummy! Or, I bet you know which are the good restaurants in town too. Any recommendations?


Fantasy - Just think of the possibilities - you like to! Actually the possibilities and more! With a creative open imagination like yours the world can truly be transformed.


Fiction - Living life through the eyes of someone else for awhile can be soo insightful, relaxing and INTERESTING! There is no end to where you can travel with fiction. You are open to others opinions and like getting to know people.


Gay/Lesbian - You are probably gay or lesbian, or are open minded enough to try to get a better understanding of your gay or lesbian friend. And if you were a guy I was thinking about dating, I better get to the bottom of this one!


Health - Not content to sit back and let life happen to you, you are gonna take charge and deal with things as needed.


Historical Fiction - You like to learn, but want to be entertained while you are getting all that knowledge. Like a good mullet, you are business in the front, party in the back!


History - You want to be prepared! You want all that knowledge so if by-chance you are ever in an even remotely similar situation you are prepared and ready to act and be your natural leader self.


Horror - Bit of a dark side, eh? You like to explore the fringes of personalities, possibilities, and morality. If any of the horror books are dog eared, you REALLY have a love of gore....


Mystery - A naturally curious person, you are probably a good problem solver. A bit of an adrenalin junkie, you have an incline towards either 1. adventure or 2. paranoia... need to look at supplemental books outside of Mystery genre to determine.


Poetry - You are a beauty finder. You have a flair for transforming the most mundane things into something amazing.


Romance - You like getting appreciated and pampered. (of course, who doesn't?) And you probably have a very happy husband. Because for how much those books bring out your soft side, they can get the steamy side going to! Just be careful reading these in public.


Science Fiction - Oh, yeah, the truth is out there! You know that there is so much to anything then meets the eye. You are open to learning from all angles, and from various sources. You are probably a tad unconventional (in a good way) with a positive outlook on life's possibilities.


Self Help.Psych. - You have a genuine interest in what makes people tick and how they can learn and grow. Not one to sit on their laurels, you are constantly striving to be the best person you can be.


Short Stories - Variety is the spice of life! You like to check out everything, but may be a little reluctant to commit to things.Travel - Ahhh, the you are the adventurous one! Always up for some exploring.


Religious/Spiritual - You run deep with an inner calm and peace. Not one to take things at face value, you seek a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life.


No books, just magazines -  you like to be on the go! Fact and fast oriented you like to keep things moving in all areas of your life.


Multi-genre/constantly-changing-genre type - We are all probably a bit of that. You follow your book lovin bliss! Embrace your "multi-genre". You are open to read anything!





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